Saturday, June 28, 2014

Laura's Letter, June 2014

Another reason I love what I do...

There are a few really obvious reasons why my job is pretty great. I get to travel. I work with some really amazing people around the world. I get to be a part of programs that are changing the trajectory of opportunity for literally hundreds of Rwandan families. These examples are just a few of the ways it is easy to see the impact that The Elevation Project has in Rwanda, but sometimes the effect that we have here in Canada is a little less apparent. Let me share what Kyler, a past Elevation Project participant, wrote when I asked him about the impact his involvement has had on his life. Hopefully it will give you a glimpse of the effect our work has, right here in Canada.

Kyler on our trip to Rwanda in 2012
I started my involvement with The Elevation Project in 2010. What a great opportunity at age 16 to travel halfway around the world to work with the most loving, caring and giving people I have ever met. Since then, I have gone a second time to Rwanda in 2012 to be an Assistant Team Leader, helping organize activities, run summer camps for the kids and build relationships. And currently, I have joined The Elevation Project team as a social media intern developing campaign that will run for the last 6 months of this year, and hopefully have an impact on the program as a whole.

Before getting involved with The Elevation Project I believed that I lived a good life, having family and friends who love, support and care for me. After the Elevation Experience I know I live a care free life of privilege, often extravagant even. I believed I was going to Rwanda to lead and help but I realized coming back that I had been helped and, above all, changed. Partaking in a trip to a place like Rwanda, you see truly how different we live, and not always in good ways. You see how involved and loving people are in their communities. You learn the true meaning of humility and how important human relationship is to people.

The Elevation Project has affected my life professionally, personally and spiritually. It lead me to my current field of studies - marketing - with the desire to use my knowledge for a good cause. The experience has also changed how I see the world and the way we live it. It’s helped me realize what is truly important in life and to not be consumed by our North American way of living. I am forever grateful for my experience with The Elevation Project, helping me grow as a person, individual and a man. Accepting God in my heart, soul and mind to lead me down the right path in life.

Watching young people like Kyler grow, making the type of life choices he has, and knowing that our work has been a part of that is another one of the many reasons that I love what I do!

Prayer Points
  • Pray for our current Elevation Experience team - that their lives will be impacted just as Kyler's has been.
  • Pray for our Rwandan friends as they prepare for our time together.

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It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are ~ee cummings

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