Friday, September 24, 2010


Exciting News!
I am happy to announce that the partnership between Greater Vancouver and Rwanda YFC has grown in leaps and bounds this past year. Because of this, GVYFC is looking to hire someone to manage this project and the relationship between the two organisations. I am considering this opportunity for myself, and completely believe in the need for a project manager to take this partnership to the next level even if I am not the one to fill the role.
So I'd like to ask you to do 2 things. First, please pray for me as I consider this role, which would be available to me after completing my degree next year. Second, please prayerfully consider continuing your support of this project by supporting the project manager, even as I prayerfully consider the opportunity to serve in that position. No matter who fills this role, by supporting the new project manager, you will be helping to open many new doors for exciting and worthwhile work in both countries.
If you would like to support the project manager financially, please indicate so on the response form (there is no designated space, but just handwrite it in) or in the comments section if you give online. I will keep you up to date on my decision, but if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Laura's Letter, Rwanda, Sept 2010

Time Flies!
As I sit writing this, it has been one month since I returned to Canada, and I've realised that the last letter I wrote was my Midpoint Update... time really does fly, but I realise that my lack of communication is a bit inexcusable, and I apologise for not keeping you updated on my life and work in Rwanda. Since it has been so long since my last letter, I could probably write 20 pages or so, but I will try and keep it relatively brief by touching on a few of the activities I mentioned in my last letter.
Art Curriculum: Before I left Rwanda, Claude and I began putting together a more formal curriculum for him to work from and build on. I came to Rwanda having done purposely little pre-work on the curriculum with the intention of working with what was available in hopes that it would be a bit more sustainable. I think with the work we started and the resources I was able to leave (with the help of GVYFC), Claude will be able to develop an applicable, fun arts program for the students at KCS.
Extra-Curricular Activities: Well, this is one thing that I'm pretty sure won't continue now that I've left! While I think it was a very valuable time for both the Student Leaders and the Primary School students, unfortunately the Student Leaders' schedule leaves a bit of a vacuum of leadership for this program, making it unlikely to continue in my absence.
GVYFC Trips: I did a lot of work preparing the team in Rwanda to work seamlessly with the team from Canada for their 3 week trip. God did some amazing things and the whole team (Canadian & Rwandan) did such an incredible job connecting with the kids through camp, buidling an amazing playpark, helping out a local community with service projects, various renovation projects around the school, and letting God work in and through them. It was really incredible to see all the effort I put into preparing for this time work out so well. God is very good - Imana ninziza cyane!
Sponsorship Program: As I said in my last letter, I completed all of my work with the sponsorship program, but I wanted mention it because of the amazing work the team from Vancouver has done since they returned to Canada. The sponsorship program at KCS was at a bit of a standstill and as a result, no new sponsor students could be admitted. Since the return of the Vancouver team, they have secured over 30 new sponsors and as a result it looks like the school will be able to start admitting new sponsorship students in January!

Check out more photos of my time in Rwanda in the photo link on the top left!

Home Redux
In the letter I wrote just days before I left for Rwanda, I spoke about my flexible concept of home and how I hoped it would continue to stretch in such a way that I would find home in Rwanda. God has surely answered that prayer and the concept of home in multiple places is very much a reality to me right now. While I am trying to feel at home here in Vancouver, part of my heart is definitely still at home in Rwanda with my work, the children and the beautiful friendships I have with people there. As a result I often feel like my heart is being stretched in different directions, sometimes to the point of breaking. But my prayer is that God uses this stretching to grow my heart. And that as my heart expands He creates more space in there for His plan, because I know that no matter where I am, if I am in His plan, I will be at home.

Financial Update

Thank you so much for all of your support while I was in Rwanda - I can't even express how grateful I am for the opportunity that your prayers and financial support gave me. I was asked to stay on with YFC for an extra month to tie up all the loose ends and because of this, I am short on my funding. Would you consider making a donation to help me with this shortfall?
As well, even though I am back in Canada, the kids at KCS and the partnership between Vancouver and Rwanda YFC continues to be of great importance to me. If you are interested in supporting the work that Rwanda YFC does, please let me know. There are lots of options available, including sponsoring a student supporting any other of the programs I've mentioned, or check out the above memo for another exciting way to stay involved with the work in Rwanda.
Making a donation is easy. Just go online at, choose the giving option you prefer, and make sure to designate where you want your gift to go in the comments box.

Prayer Points
  • Claude as he continues to build the arts program at KCS
  • The remaining funding needed to cover my added time with YFC
  • The team of Canadian young people as they process through what God did in them while in Rwanda
  • For more sponsors for the children who can't afford their tuition at KCS
  • For me as I settle back into life in Vancouver and sort through what's next

If you want to financially support the work in Rwanda,