Thursday, April 18, 2013

Laura's Letter, April Update

So many exciting things to tell you about!

Elevater Music:  We're busy planning an event - Elevater Music - for April 28th and we're super excited about it! It's going to be a fun night of eclectic live music in support of our work with Rwanda YFC. We've had a great time collaborating with some awesome partners on this, including our friends at Calabash Bistro, and many great local musicians. We'd love to have you come and join us! There's more information on our Facebook Event Page, and if you live in the Vancouver area and want to check it out, tickets can be purchased online at Brown Paper Tickets.

Invitation to Elevation:  We (Christa, The EP Program Assistant, and myself) are so happy to be travelling with a faithful partner in our work with The Elevation Project at the beginning of May. The three of us will jump on a plane headed to Rwanda on May 1st - yes, just 3 days after our spectacular event - to visit our Rwandan colleagues and friends, and give our Canadian partner an opportunity to see what she's been a part of. We're looking forward to this being the first of many Invitation to Elevation trips for some of our wonderful key partners. I'll be staying on in Rwanda until June 15th, and I'm super excited to be able to plot, plan, and dream for the future with my Rwandan colleagues. 

Funding Update: Last, but not least, I mentioned in my last letter the $10 000 challenge I'd set for myself. We've got big plans at The Elevation Project, and I need your help to make them a reality. I'm hoping to raise an additional $10 000 by the end of August in order to see some of the plans we've been hatching at The EP come true. We want to expand our work with youth, both here and in Rwanda. The EP really is a team effort, and that team is comprised of staff and volunteers in Canada and Rwanda, Canadian and Rwanda youth and young people, and generous supporters, like yourself.
**As a special incentive, if you've never given before, Youth Unlimited will match donations from new donors up to $500 until the end of May!**

If you are interested in making a donation, click here to visit Youth Unlimited's online donation page, or click here to download a donation form.

Prayer Points

  • For our fundraising event, Elevater Music, on April 28th
  • For our time in Rwanda, beginning May 1
  • For the $10 000 Challenge
  • For our intern who will be serving with us from September-December (more info in the next update!)

 Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr - we'll be posting, tweeting and blogging while we are in Rwanda!


If you want to financially support The Elevation Project,