Friday, March 8, 2013

Laura's Letter, Winter 2013

A new year, a new adventure...

This work is an adventure, and a new year brings a whole new set of opportunities!
For the last year, outside of my work with The Elevation Project, I’ve been working on a temporary contract for 12 hours of my week doing grant writing for various programs at Youth Unlimited (YU). This contract is coming to an end in the next few months, and this opens up all sorts of opportunities for me to explore in my work with The Elevation Project!

I’m really excited about these new avenues. Things such as greater involvement and collaboration with other Christian relief and development organizations across Canada. I’m also looking forward to working with my fellow staff members as they mentor teens in poverty and justice issues. Lastly, there will be more opportunities to share my experience with other youth and organizations across Canada.

It’s a great time of expansion and I look forward to seeing how The Elevation Project can continue to impact the lives of youth across Canada.

The $10 000 Challenge!
I’ve set a goal for myself over the next few months - to raise $10 000! This money will go towards the costs associated with my time in Rwanda this year, time that is fundamentally important for the health and direction of The Elevation Project. It will also go a long way towards covering some of the costs associated with my changing role at YU! Like everything we do at YU, none of it is possible without the partnership of those who believe in our work. It’s an exciting time for me and I’d love to have you join me in this new adventure.

Would you help me raise $10 000 before August? It’s a big goal, but together we can make it happen :)

How will we do it? Well, there are lots of options!

First, if you are the praying type, please join me in praying. This is a large amount of money, and a major transition for me - I’m going to need all the prayer I can get!

Second, you could make a special donation. Either fill in the form provided here or visit

Third, you could join The Elevation Project’s Volunteer Challenge - a program we are launching that gives volunteers the opportunity to join in our exciting work by gathering a team, setting a goal, and working together to achieve it. After that, we’d love to celebrate with you!

I’ll keep you up to date with my progress, and hopefully by August, we’ll all have something to celebrate!

** If you are interested in helping out with 
The $10 000 Challenge, please 
click here for a giving form, or here to give online. **

Prayer Points
  • Please continue to pray for a Canadian team member and a Rwandan colleague who both have close family members fighting cancer.
  • Pray for The EP's Volunteer Challenge, which is kicking off this month.
  • For our fundraising event that we are planning for April.
  • For our trip to Rwanda that is planned for May.
  • And for continued direction as we move into an exciting season with The EP.

If you want to financially support The Elevation Project,